Classic work trousers

Classical work trousers are made of durable material, 100% cotton or cotton + polyester of different colours and weights on square meter.
Pants with breastplates

Pants with breastplate are made of durable material, 100% cotton or cotton + polyester of different colours and weights per square meter.
Cotton bulk wipes

Sonic CLEAN wiping clothes are made of 100% cotton. These are packed in 15 kg or 50 kg weight polyethylene bags Density: 15 kg bag ~ 450 cm2-140-180 gr/mp bag 15 kg ~ 1200 cm2-140-180 gr/MQ 50 kg bag > 1400 cm2-140-180 gr/MQ Quality Certified Product.
Cotton wipes

Sonic CLEAN wiping clothes are made of 100% cotton. Common sizes: 30 x 30 cm 25×50 cm;; 30 x 40 cm; 30 x 60 cm; 40×40 cm, oil on canvass, cm; 40×60 cm, 50x50cm. On request we can produce atypical dimensions. Packing: Packs of 3, 5, 10, 50, 100 PCs density: various colors-140-160 gr/m2 White-110-125 […]